First house or Aries: Body in general, Head, Face, Facial bones, Brain and Blood Vessels of the brain, complexion.
Second house or Taurus: Teeth, speech, right eye, Throat, Larynx, Cerebellum, Neck and Bones, Blood vessels and nerves connecting throat and neck.
Third house or Gemini: Right ear, Shoulders, Collar, Hands and the related bones, Lungs, breath, blood.
Fourth house or Cancer: Last phase of life, Chest, Breast, Ribs, Food poisoning, Stomach, Gastric and digestive system.
Fifth house or Leo: Heart, mind, and Spinal chord.
Sixth house or Virgo: Disease in general, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels, Intestines and Abdomen.
Seventh house or Libra: Waist, Navel cavity, Lumbar region and skin.
Eighth house or Scorpio: Incurable diseases, Urinary and sexual organs, Pelvic bones, Bladder, and anus.
Ninth house or Sagittarius: Hips, Arterial system, Nerves and Thighs.
Tenth house or Capricorn: Knees, Hams, Joints, and bones.
Eleventh house or Aquarius: Legs, Blood circulation and ankles, Left ear.
Twelfth house or Pisces: Lymphatic system, Feet and Toes, left eye, hospitalization, death.
Second house or Taurus: Teeth, speech, right eye, Throat, Larynx, Cerebellum, Neck and Bones, Blood vessels and nerves connecting throat and neck.
Third house or Gemini: Right ear, Shoulders, Collar, Hands and the related bones, Lungs, breath, blood.
Fourth house or Cancer: Last phase of life, Chest, Breast, Ribs, Food poisoning, Stomach, Gastric and digestive system.
Fifth house or Leo: Heart, mind, and Spinal chord.
Sixth house or Virgo: Disease in general, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels, Intestines and Abdomen.
Seventh house or Libra: Waist, Navel cavity, Lumbar region and skin.
Eighth house or Scorpio: Incurable diseases, Urinary and sexual organs, Pelvic bones, Bladder, and anus.
Ninth house or Sagittarius: Hips, Arterial system, Nerves and Thighs.
Tenth house or Capricorn: Knees, Hams, Joints, and bones.
Eleventh house or Aquarius: Legs, Blood circulation and ankles, Left ear.
Twelfth house or Pisces: Lymphatic system, Feet and Toes, left eye, hospitalization, death.